Why Are These World's Top 10 Export Products, By 2021-25? Blog-1

 By Dr. Lade Vedkumar.

Very magnificent export prospects are going to emerge in the below products. These are the average export value of 2021 and export prospects by 2025.

1. Petroleum oil drives our vehicles and the lifeblood of the industry.

Petroleum oil exports will drive from 855 billion dollars to 1.3 trillion dollars.

2. Smart cards revolutionise the way you pay, tiny electronic and long-lasting LED lamps spread light. circuits carry energy flow

Export of smart cards, electronic circuits, and LED lamps will increase from 689.2 billion dollars to 1.1 trillion dollars.

3. Nowadays motor vehicles are not a luxury, but a necessity.

Export of motor vehicles will rise from 742.7 billion dollars to 998.7 billion dollars.

4. The mobile phone communication system has become an integral part of our life. 

Mobile, telephones overseas sales market will grow from 422.3 billion dollars to 530.5 billion dollars.

5. Twenty-first-century medicine improved the quality of life and life span.

Export of medicinal trade will surge from 283.0 billion dollars to 429.2 billion dollars.

6. Every part of a vehicle has its own importance.

Export of vehicle parts will expand from 246.1 billion dollars to 340.4 billion dollars.

7. Computers accomplish many tasks, manage big data easily.

Computers sales abroad will increase from 224.1 billion dollars to 266.1 billion dollars.

8. The demand will rise for machines that make the work of humans easier.

Other machinery international market will grow from 184.9 billion dollars to 253.3 billion dollars.

9. Mobiles all components together make a smartphone. What goes on within these mobile computing machines are equally important.

Telephone, mobile parts country to country sell will rise from 158.6 billion dollars to 240.3 billion dollars.

10. Human and animal, antisera and other blood fractions are important parts of vaccines, plasma & other vital medicine.

Export of blood fraction and immunological products will increase from 169.2 billion dollars to 251.5 billion dollars.

Important conclusion:

Best results can be found in a product having a larger absolute value-wise difference between 2021 exports and prospects by 2025. It will create space to earn additional export.

Such three products are smart cards; electronic circuits; LED lamps, motor vehicles, mobile and telephone.

Smart cards; electronic integrated circuits; LED lamps shows the largest absolute difference between 2021's export and prospects by 2025, leaving room to earn additional exports.


We can predict your desired product, sector, country and region wise export/import insight by 2021-25.

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As we always say.

The best prospects cannot be found in the export statistic for the last five years. Because yesterday has passed. Rather, the best prospects are hidden in the next five year statistics.

Note: All te values are in an US dollar. Prices may vary as per the market demand and dollar value fluctuation. 2020's average export value can be equivalent to or lower than export values recorded in other trade databases. The average value is the essence of the reliable reports of the last five years. Six digit HS code was used for more granular insight.



'Professionals work. Experts create results. Authorities predict the future. DECIDE which one you are going to follow'

Research sources:

1. World Trade Organization, Trade forecast.

2. World Bank WITS.

3. International Trade Centre.

Research access duration:

First Edition November 2020

Second edition: February 2021

© 2021-2025 Future export vision.

Other valuable editions:


Why Are These The World's Top 10 Exporting Countries, By 2021-24?


Why Are These The World's Top 10 Importing Countries, By 2021-24?


Why Are These The World's Top 10-20 Exports, By 2021-24?


Why Are These The World"s Top 15 Importing Sub-Region, By 2021-24?



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