Why Are These World's Top 10-20 Exporting Countries, By 2021-24? Blog-8

#FutureExportVision #DrLadeVedkumar

By Dr. Lade Vedkumar

Very magnificent export prospects are going to emerge in these countries.

These are the five year average value of 2020 and 

prospects by 2024.

India world's export ranking is number 18. It's export share is 1.7%.


Its export will increase from 244 billion dollars to 432 billion dollars. 

Mexico world's export ranking is number 10. It's export share is 2.5%.


Its export will rise from 376 billion dollars to 405 billion dollars.

Belgium world's export ranking is number 13. It's export share is 2.4%.


Export will expand from 318 billion dollars to 364 billion dollars.  

Vietnam world's export ranking is number 22. It's export share is 1.4%.

Viet Nam:

The sales abroad will increase from 214 billion dollars to 360 billion dollars.         

Canada world's export ranking is number 12. It's export share is 2.4%.


The international market will grow from 295 billion dollars to 344 billion dollars.

Singapore world's export ranking is number 15. It's export share is 2.1%.


The foreign market will grow from 241 billion dollars to 341 billion dollars.

Spain world's export ranking is number 16. It's export share is 1.8%.


Its overseas sales market will grow from 271 billion dollars to 339 billion dollars. 

Thailand world's export ranking is number 25. It's export share is 1.3%.


Its export will increase from 230 billion dollars to 328 billion dollars. 

Malaysia world's export ranking is number 26. It's export share is 1.3%.


Its export will rise from 212 billion dollars to 320 billion dollars.

Switzerland world's export ranking is number 20. It's export share is 1.7%.


The sales abroad will increase from 222 billion dollars to 284 billion dollars. 

Important conclusion:

Best results can be found in a country having a larger absolute difference between export and prospects. It will create space to earn additional export.

Important announcement:

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As we always say.

The best prospects cannot be found in the export statistic of the last five years. Because yesterday has passed. Rather, the best prospects are hidden 

in the next five year statistics.

Note: All the values are in an US dollar. Prices may vary as per the market demand and dollar value fluctuation. 2020's average export value can be equivalent to or lower than export values recorded in other trade databases. The average value is the essence of the reliable reports of the last five years.



'Professionals work. Experts create results. Authorities predict the future. DECIDE which one you are going to follow'

Research sources:

1. World Trade Organization, Trade forecast.

2. World Bank WITS.

3. International Trade Centre.

Research access duration: December 2020.(second edition)

Important remark:

Most of the world market is recovering after post Covid-19 era.

© 2020-2024 Future Export Vision.


Other valuable editions:

Why Are These The World's Top 10 Exports, By 2021-24?


Why Are These The World's Top 20-30 Export Countries, By 2021-24?


Why Are These The World"s Top 10 Importing Countries, By 2021-24?


Why Are These The World"s Top 15 Importing Sub-Region, By 2021-24?



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