India's Top Diamond Export Region and Countries, By 2021-24? Blog-66


#futureexportvision #drladevedkumar

By Dr. Lade Vedkumar.

World wide diamonds exports will rise from 75.7 billion dollars to 103.6 billion dollars.

India's diamond exports will increase from 24.1 billion dollars to 38.8 billion dollars. India's exports represent 26.3% of world exports for this product, its world export ranking is number one.

India's diamond export prospects are going to expand very magnificently in these regions.

These are the average export values of 2020 and prospects by 2024.

North America:

2020-8.1 billion dollars, 

2024-12.8 billion dollars.

East Asia:

2020-10.0 billion dollars,

2024-12.5 billion dollars.

Middle East:

2020-2.8 billion dollars, 

2024-6.7 billion dollars.

EU & West Europe:

2020-2.0 billion dollars,

2024-4.4 billion dollars.


2020-812.3 million dollars, 

2024-1.7 billion dollars.

Southern Africa:

2020-113.5 million dollars,  

2024-251.2 million dollars.


2020-187.5 million dollars, 

2024-189.8 million dollars.

East Europe & Central Asia:

2020-26.0 million dollars,

2024-74.4 million dollars.

South Asia:

2020-18.9 million dollars, 

2024-59.7 million dollars.

Latin America:

2020-35.5 million dollars, 

2024-53.7 million dollars.

Important conclusion:

Best results can be found in countries having larger absolute difference between 2020's exports and prospects by 2024. It will create the space to earn additional export.

Three great regions for Indian diamonds are North America, East Asia and Middle East. North America shows the largest absolute difference between prospects and exports in value terms, leaving room to earn additional exports.

Why will China be a Bearish Market for India's Diamond Exporters?

These are the India's average export values of 2021 and prospects by 2025.

1) United States of America:

2020: 8.0 billion dollars, 

2025: 13.2 billion dollars.

Important note:

Best results can be found in countries having larger absolute difference between 2021's export and prospects by 2025. It will create the space to earn additional export.

Why will India be the biggest supplier in the USA's diamond market by 2021-25?

This big, why? is very important to be answered.

India's three competitors in USA's diamond markets will be Israel, China and Thailand(it's not Hong Kong). Considering the larger difference between the 2021's export and prospects by 2025.

Israel will gain $6.5 bn to $9.0 bn in USA.

China will increase it's share by $118.8 mn to $887.4 mn. 

Thailand will maximize its market from $77.6 mn to $509.5 mn. 

2) Hong Kong:

2020: 8.3 billion dollars,

2025: 11.6 billion dollars.

India's three competitors in Hong Kong diamond markets will be USA, Israel and South Africa (it's not UAE)

Why India will be at 1st place in Hong Kong diamond market?

USA will gain from $2.5 bn to $5.5 bn in Hong Kong.
Israel will increase it's market share from $2.4 bn to $3.5 bn.
South Africa's will grow from $34.2 mn to $338.7 mn, a 10 times increase.

3) China:

2020:1.2 billion dollars, 

2025: 836.3 million dollars.

Why India will be losing China's diamond market?

Israel will gain from $267.9 mn to $1.0 bn in China.
USA will gain from $30.9 mn to $742.1 mn, a 25 time increase.
India will be losing China's diamond market from $1.2 bn to $836.3 mn.

Why will Israel market be more attractive than Belgium for India's diamond export by 2021-25?

Why will Switzerland market be more attractive than Thailand for India's diamond export by 2021-25?

Why will Japanese market be a bearish for India's diamond export by 2021-25?

Comments your opinion about above three questions.

Important conclusion:

Three great markets for Indian diamonds are the United States of America, Hong Kong and United Arab Emirates. The United States of America shows the largest absolute difference between prospects and exports in value terms, leaving room to earn additional exports.

Top 10 Diamond Exporting Countries in the World.


2020-24.1 billion dollars, 

2024-38.8 billion dollars.


2020-11.3 billion dollars,

2024-17.9 billion dollars.

United States of America:

2020-12.4 billion dollars, 

2024-17.7 billion dollars.

Hong Kong:

2020-5.3 billion dollars,

2024-6.8 billion dollars.


2020-6.6 billion dollars, 

2024-4.4 billion dollars.

United Arab Emirates:

2020-3.2 billion dollars,  

2024-3.8 billion dollars.


2020-1.7 billion dollars, 

2024-2.7 billion dollars.

South Africa:

2020-3.1 billion dollars,

2024-2.3 billion dollars.


2020-1.9 billion dollars, 

2024-2.1 billion dollars.


2020-1.3 billion dollars, 

2024-1.6 billion dollars.

Important conclusion:

Three great exporters of diamonds are India, Israel and the United States of America. India shows the largest absolute difference between potential and exports in value terms, leaving room to realize additional exports.

Attractive Countries-Few jems:

India's diamonds export to Lebanon will be $109 million by 2025. Last year export was  $32 million. India's export competitors are UAE and Belgium. Their diamond exports to Lebanon will decrease by 2025.

Botswana is such an interesting country that India's diamond exporters are not paying attention.

This country imports 23% of diamonds from India.

India's exports will double by 2025 to $86 million.

In last 5 years, India's  value wise growth to Botswana was incredible 418%.

China's total imports from the world was $7 billion last year, and imports will increase to $9 billion by 2025.

China imports diamonds from South Africa, Belgium and Israel. China imposes 4% import duty on these three countries. While China apply 0% import duty to Indian diamonds. 

Anyway, business is a name to explore new possibilities…

Indian diamond industry quotes:

Diamonds are nothing more than carbon, but carbon in a crystal lattice made it the most valuable, hardest, known mineral in nature. 

India is leading the world in diamond exports to all countries.

 Forevermark’s Seductive,
 Diamond is for ever,
 Heera hai Sada Ke Liye.

From Indian royalty to retail brands, India caters to the most demanding customers.

Every Stone Is Born Out Of The Expertise & Craft Of A Cutter.
95% Of The World's Cutters Are In India.

Diamonds Crafted In India, Imagined By You,
How Do India Deliver 90% Of The World's Cut & Polished Diamonds?

If It Can't Be Made Anywhere, It Can Be Made In India.

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We can predict your desired product, sector, country and region wise export/import insight by 2021-24.

Note: All the values are in an US dollar. Prices may vary as per the market demand and dollar value fluctuation. 2020's average export value can be equivalent to or lower than export values recorded in other trade databases. The average value is the essence of the reliable reports of the last five years. Six digit diamonds HS code 710239 was used for above Insights.


'Professionals work. Experts create results. Authorities predict the future. DECIDE which one you are going to follow'

Research source:

1. World Trade Organization, Trade forecast.

2. World Bank WITS.

3. International Trade Centre.

Research access duration:

1st edition January 2021.

2nd edition June 2022.

© 2021-25 Future Export Vision.

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