India's Pharma High Growth Export Products & Emerging Markets, By 2021-25. Blog-89

'The best way to predict the future is to create it.'

India's Pharma High Growth Export Products & Emerging Markets, By 2021-25. Blog-89

By Dr. Lade Vedkumar.

For the first time, we are introducing an innovative concept for export generation.

This is a product specific marketing in emerging, rather growing markets.

Is it possible to predict pharma products future export figures? 

Can we forecast the size of the growing/bearish pharma export market? 

Does that help you, if you know the future export size of your competing countries? 

Yes, we are masters in international trade forecast research super specialty segments...We can scientifically predict the next five year's trade statistics.

Many high growth products have magnificent potential in developed, developing or undeveloped countries.

We need to redefine the marketing strategy.

There should be aggressive marketing of a specific product in a rapidly expanding market. 

In a neutral market simple marketing is going to work. 

Global exports of pharmaceuticals will increase from $608.9 billion to $926.5 billion by 2021 to 2025.

India's exports of pharmaceuticals will increase from $17.7 billion to $27.1 billion by 2021 to 2025.


What's the growing export market for India's Penicillin? 

Export team ans: USA. Well it's a saturated market...Why? 

India's Penicillin exports represent 16.5% of world exports for this product, its ranking in world exports is one.

India's penicillin export market will increase by $445.2 million to $976.1 million by 2021 to 2025. It will be India's third biggest product wise increase in pharmaceutical industry by 2021-25.

World's penicillin export market will increase by $3.6 billion to $5.5 billion by 2021-25. It will be the world's 14th highest product wise increase in the pharmaceutical industry by 2021-25.

These are the India's impressive export values of 2021and prospects by 2025 in the below countries.

Penicillin class HS code 300410 (Amoxicillin, Piperacillin ect)

1) China:

2021: 571.2 k dollars,

2025: 72.0 million dollars.

India's will multiply it's penicillin export 140 times in China by 2021-25.

Important note:

Best results can be found in countries having larger absolute difference between 2021's exports and prospects by 2025. It will create the space to earn additional export.

As per above note, India will create additional penicillin export value of $71.5 mn in China.

India's three competitors in China's penicillin markets are UK, Italy and Austria.

India will stand at 1st place by 2021-25. India should conquer the space by efficient marketing.

Why will India be at top of the table in China's penicillin market by 2021-25?

Is it important to understand the wisdom of the above question?

Yes of course, you must have an eagle eye on your competing countrie's in that particular market. Here, the destination market is China .

Italy will be losing China's penicillin market by 54 mn to 25 mn, Hong Kong (60 mn to 5 mn). UK will gain 506 k to 29.1 mn and Austria (1.2 mn to 21.9 mn)

2) United States of America:

2021: 136.9 million dollars, 

2025: 144.5 million dollars.

Note: USA will be the world's biggest importer of penicillin, it's import will increase from $486.6 mn to $738.9 mn by 2021-25. It will continue to be a highest growing import market of penicillin.

Even though India will be at 1st position in USA market. Why will India not growing in the USA's penicillin market by 2021-25?

It is essential to know future market share of India's premier competitor in a importing country United States of America.

India's three competitor in USA's penicillin market will be UK, China and France

UK's penicillin export will grow from 25 mn to 90 mn in USA, China 7 mn to 58 mn and France's penicillin will rise from 113.5 k to 46 mn by 2021-25.

Note: Even though the India has high market prospects of 144.5 million dollars in USA. It's difference in 2021's export and prospects by 2025 will be 7.6 mn only. USA will be a saturated market through India's Penicillin export perspective.

Interesting Comparison:

Comparison of countries having value wise larger difference between 2021's export and prospects by 2025 Vs countries with lesser value wise export difference between 2021-25.

China $71.5 mn Vs USA $7.6 mn only.

"Now consider the scenario where you are not familiar with the above insight. Even though you are efficiently marketing in USA and simply marketing in China. You don't grow in both scenarios. If you have the complete insight. You can generate additional export revenue at a great pace"  

That's the 'Power of Knowledge'

Exclusive conclusion: 

If Indian penicillin exporters will execute efficient marketing in China and other fast growing countries. Indian pharma companies can bag multi million additional profit.

India will be at number one position in few other countries penicillin market as well by 2021-25. Companies can consolidate in these growing markets.

India will be losing it's penicillin export share in few bearish market.

We can present export insight of top countries and sub-regions.

India's Penicillin Top Export Sub-Regions, By 2021-25?

Follow region's having a larger absolute difference between 2021's export and prospects by 2025. It will create the space to earn additional exports.

1) Middle East:

2021: 22.0 million dollars, 

2025: 136.0 million dollars.

We have elaborated two countries in the above country wise insight.

Yet the top countries contribute $976.1 mn of penicillin import demand by 2021-25.

As I always say.

'The best prospects cannot be found in the export statistics for the last five years. Because yesterday has passed. Rather, the best prospects are hidden in the next five year statistics'

Presentation: 2

Why is India gaining China's +172 mn & losing USA's -145 mn in the antibiotics market?

HS code 300420 

(Cefixime, levofoxacin...)

India's exports represent 8% of world exports for this product, its ranking in world exports is 4.

India's antibiotics International trade market will increase by $1.1 billion to $1.9 billion by 2021 to 2025. Antibiotics will be India's highest product wise increase in pharmaceutical industry by 2021-25..

World's antibiotics export market will increase by $15.4 billion to $24.0 billion by 2021-25. It will be the world's 4th highest product wise increase in the pharmaceutical industry by 2021-25.

Below are the average export values of 2021and prospects by 2025.

1) China:

2021: 2.0 million dollars, 

2025: 173.0 million dollars.

India will be at 2nd place.

As mentioned above Indian's antibiotics market in China will multiply by 87 times up to 2021-25.

Why will India be at 2nd number in China's antibiotics market?

Is it important to understand the wisdom of the above question?

Yes of course, you must always have an eagle eye on your competing countries suppliers in that particular market. Here, the destination market is China .

Japan will be losing China's antibiotic market by 158 mn to 37 mn. Greece (47 mn to 10 mn) South Korea (38 mn to 18 mn) Taiwan (34 mn to 11 mn). Germany will gain maximum share of 20 mn to 330 mn in the China's antibiotics market.

2) United States of America:

2021: 436.0 million dollars,

2025: 291.0 million dollars.

Caution: Why India will be losing USA antibiotics market share?

India's three competitors in USA markets are as below.

Ireland(22 to 330 mn ^^)

Switzerland(103 to 305 mn) and

Germany(36 to 225 mn^).

India will decline its place from 1st to 39th number up to 2025.

Interesting Comparison:

Comparison of countries having value wise larger difference between 2021's exports and prospects by 2025 Vs countries with lesser value wise export difference between 2021-25.

China +172 mn Vs USA -145 mn

"Now consider the scenario where you are not familiar with the above insight. Even though you are efficiently marketing in USA and simply marketing in China. You don't grow in both scenarios. If you have the complete insight. You can generate additional export revenue at a great pace"  

That's the 'Power of Knowledge'

Exclusive conclusion: India's antibiotics export market needs aggressive marketing in China and other fast growing markets.

We have highlighted two countries in above insight.

Yet the top surprising countries contribute $1.9 billion of huge antibiotics import demand by 2021-25.

We can present report/seminar to companies/association. Export insight consist of top countries and sub-regions.

India's Antibiotics Top Export Sub-Regions, By 2021-25?

East Asia:

2021: $7.1 mn

2025: $264.5 mn

Presentation: 3

Why should India's Sulfadoxine exporters prefer 39 no. Panama instead of 1st no. Germany?

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India's Sulfadoxine exports represent 2.7% of world exports for this product, its ranking in world exports is 9.

India's Sulfadoxine export market will increase by $344.0 million to $425.0 million by 2021 to 2025.

World's Sulfadoxine export market will increase by $10.0 billion to $13.0 billion by 2021-25. It will be the world's 7th highest product wise increase in the pharmaceutical industry by 2021-25.

Sulfadoxine class HS code 293500

These are India's average export values of Sulfadoxine in 2021and prospects by



2) Panama:

2021: $101.4 k

2025: $40.1 mn

Why Panama will be the 2nd highest export destination of India's sulfadoxine instead of 1st no. Germany by 2021-25?

The reason will be as below.

Singapore will lose Panama's sulfadoxine market by $490.9 mn to $345.8 mn. This is the only and biggest reason. 

China will gain $132.9 k to $137.4 mn. The USA will gain $21.8 k to $54.8 mn in Panama's sulphonamide market.

Important note:

Best results can be found in countries having larger absolute difference between 2021's exports and prospects by 2025. It will create the space to earn additional export.

These are India's average export values of Sulfadoxine in 2021and prospects by 2025.

3) Germany:

2021: $28.7 mn

2025: $28.9 mn

Why will India not grow in Germany's sulphadoxine market?

Ireland will gain $62.3 mn to $645.6 mn in Germany's sulphonamide market, that's a huge rise.

Belgium will increase from $6.4 mn to $52.2 mn.

Netherlands losing by $122.0 mn to $13.4 mn by 2021-25.

Note: India's highest Sulfadoxine export destination was Germany in year 2020.

Interesting Comparison:

Comparison of countries having value wise larger difference between 2021's export and prospects by 2025 Vs countries with smaller value wise export difference between 2021-25.

Panama +40 mn Vs Germany $200 k only.

Exclusive conclusion: 

If Indian sulphadoxine exporters will execute efficient marketing in Panama and other fast growing countries. Indian pharmaceutical companies can bag multi million profit in a top fast growing markets by 2021 to 2025.

Caution: India's will need caution in few bearish sulphadoxine markets. 

India's Sulfadoxine Top Export Sub-Regions, By 2021-25?

Regions having a larger absolute difference between 2021's export and prospects by 2025 will create the space to earn additional exports.

North America:

2021: $47.9 mn

2025: $181.9 mn

Central Africa will lose sulfadoxine importing share as below:

2021: $715.1 k

2025: $101.1 k

We have elaborated two countries in the above country wise insight.

Yet the top countries contribute $425.0 mn of sulphadoxine additional import demand by 2021-25.

As I always say.

'The best prospects are hidden in the next five years statistic'

Presentation: 4

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Why should India's Insulin exporters prefer the US over Germany?

HS code 300431.

India's insulin exports represent 1.6% of world exports for this product, its ranking in world exports is 6.

India's Insulin export market will increase by $76.6 million to $130.8 million by 2021 to 2025. 

World's insulin export market will increase by $7.0 billion to $12.2 billion by 2021-25.

These are India's average export values of insulin in USA.

1) United States of America:

2021: 15.0 million dollars,  

2025: 62.0 million dollars.

Important note:

Best results can be found in the countries having larger value difference between 2021 export and prospects of 2025.

As per above note, the USA will create additional insulin import space of $47.0 million for India.

India's market will multiply by 4 times up to 2021 to 2025.

India will be at 4th place by 2021 to 2025.

The USA will be a nice avenue for India's insulin exports in upcoming years by 2021 to 2025.

India's three competitors in USA's insulin markets are France, Italy and Brazil. Considering the larger difference between the 2021 export and prospects by 2025.

Below are the exporter countries and their respective share of in the USA insulin market.

France (335 mn to 887 mn), Italy (811 k to 391 mn) and Brazil (158 k to 212 mn) by 2021 to 2025.

However Germany's share in the USA's insulin market will decrease from 2 bn to 1.9 bn.

These are India's average export values of insulin in Saudi Arabia.

2) Saudi Arabia:

2021: 7.7 k dollars, 

2025: 6.0 million dollars.

These are India's average export values of insulin in Germany.

3) Germany:

2021-5.2 million dollars, 

2025-2.7 million dollars.

India will be losing $2.5 million of the insulin market in Germany by 2021 to 2025.

Caution: Why are India's insulin exporters losing Germany's insulin market?

India's three competitors in Germany's insulin import market are France, Italy and Hungary.

France will be increasing insulin export from 332.8 mn mn to 582.3 mn in Germany, Italy (100.0 mn to 139.9 mn) and Hungary (72.0 k mn to 34.2 mn) by 2021 to 2025.

India's position will decline from 4th to 17th place in Germany's insulin import market by 2021 to 2025.

Interesting Comparison:

Comparison of countries having value wise larger difference between 2021's export and prospects by 2025 Vs countries with smaller value wise export difference between 2021-25.

USA +47 mn Vs Germany - $2.5 mn.

"Now consider the scenario where you are not familiar with the above insight. Even though you are efficiently marketing in Germany and simply marketing in the USA. You don't grow in both scenarios. If you have the complete insight. You can generate additional export revenue at a great pace"  

That's the 'Power of Knowledge'

Exclusive conclusion: 

If Indian insulin exporters will execute efficient marketing in the USA and other fast growing countries. Indian pharmaceutical companies can bag multi million profit in fast growing markets by 2021-25.

Caution: India will need caution in few bearish insulin markets. 

India's Insulin Top Export Sub-Regions, By 2021-25?

Regions having a larger absolute difference between 2021's export and prospects by 2025 will create the space to earn additional exports.

North America:

2021: $17.1 mn

2025: $69.8 mn

We have elaborated two countries in the above country wise insight.

Yet the rest of top countries contribute $130.8 million of additional insulin import demand by 2021-25.

India will need a cautious move in few bearish insulin markets by 2021 to 2025.

Presentation: 5

Why is India gaining the Pro vitamin market in China & losing in the USA?

HS code 300450

India's exports represent 5.9% of world exports for this product, its ranking in world exports is 3.

India's Pro vitamin abroad market will increase by $225.4 million to $440.5 million by 2021 to 2025.

World's provitamin export market will increase by $4.2 billion to $6.5 billion by 2021-25.

These are India's average export values of 2021and prospects by 2025 in China.

1) China:

2021: 410.3 k dollars, 

2025: 23.1 million dollars.

India's will multiply it's market by 50 times up to 2021-25.

Why India will able to increase it's export to China?

India's three competitor countries in China's pro vitamin market with their respective share are Germany (61 mn to 170 mn), USA (61 mn to 78 mn) and Ireland (7 mn to 40 mn) by 2021 to 2025.

India will be at 5th position in Chinese Provitamin market.

These are India's average export values of 2021and prospects by 2025 in USA.

2) United States of America:

2021: 27.0 million dollars, 

2025: 16.0 million dollars.

Caution: Why India will be losing in the USA market?

India's three competitor in USA's markets are Mexico (1 to 23 mn ^), Germany (4 to 30 mn ^) and Guatemala (0 to 9 mn^)

India position will drag down 9 to 18 in the USA Provitamin market by 2021-25.

Interesting comparison: 

Comparison of countries having value wise larger difference between 2021's exports and prospects by 2025 Vs countries with lesser value wise export difference between 2021-25.

China +23.1 mn Vs USA -11 mn.

India will be gaining number one export position in many more Pro vitamin markets.

Exclusive conclusion: India's Pro vitamin export market needs pro active marketing in China and other growing markets. 

We have highlighted two countries in above insight.

Yet the top countries contribute $440.5 million of major provitamin import demand by 2021-25.

We can present product wise export insight of top countries and sub-regions.

India's Provitamin Top Export Sub-Regions, By 2021-25?

Middle East:

2021: $6.8 mn

2025: $69.4 mn

Western Africa will be a loosing sub-region for India's Provitamin.

2021: $47.7 mn,

2025: $33.4 mn.

Note: All the values are in an US dollar. Prices may vary as per the market demand and dollar value fluctuation. 2021's average export value can be equivalent to or lower than export values recorded in other trade databases. The average value is the essence of the reliable reports of the last five years. Six digit HS code was used for the above insight as it is standard protocol HS code.


'Professionals work. Experts create results. Authorities predict the future. DECIDE which one you are going to follow'

Research source:

1. World Trade Organization, Trade forecast.

2. World Bank WITS.

3. International Trade Centre.

Research access duration May 2021.

© 2021-25 Future Export Vision.

Other valuable links:

Why should India's pharma exporters overall prefer no. 34 China instead of the no.1 USA?

America's Top 10 Pharma Exports, Regions & Countries, By 2021-24?

Germany's Top 10 Pharma Export Regions & Countries, By 2021-24?

United Kingdom's Top 10 Pharma Export Regions and Countries, By 2021-24?

Netherlands Pharma Top 10 Export Regions & Countries, By 2021-24?


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