America's Top 10 Vaccine & Antisera Export Countries, By 2021-25? Blog-81


#futureexportvision #drladevedkumar

By Dr. Lade Vedkumar.

World wide blood fractions and immunological products exports will rise from 169.2 billion dollars to 251.5 billion dollars.

America's Blood fractions exports will increase from 26.0 billion dollars to 28.2 billion dollars. America's exports represent 13% of world exports for this product, its world export ranking is 4.

HS code 3002

Very impressive export prospects are going to expand in these regions by 2021-25.

These are the average export values of 2021 and prospects by 2025.

EU & West Europe:

2021-17.1 billion dollars, decrease by 2025-10.5 billion dollars.

East Asia:

2021-4.3 billion dollars,

2025-6.7 billion dollars.

Latin America:

2021-1.2 billion dollars, 

2025-3.7 billion dollars.

North America:

2021-1.3 billion dollars,

2025-2.8 billion dollars.

Middle East:

2021-636.9 million dollars, 

2025-1.2 billion dollars.


2021-714.1 million dollars,  

2025-1.0 billion dollars.


2021-315.1 million dollars, 

2025-879.2 million dollars.

South Asia:

2021-118.7 million dollars,

2025-429.1 million dollars.

East Europe & Central Asia:

2021-257.7 million dollars, 

2025-333.0 million dollars.


2021-18.7 million dollars, 

2025-137.8 million dollars.

Important conclusion:

Best results can be found in countries having larger absolute difference between 2021's exports and prospects by 2025. It will create the space to earn additional export.

America's blood fractions biggest three export regions are EU & West Europe, East Asia and Latin America. Latin America shows the largest absolute difference between prospects and exports in value terms, leaving room to realize additional exports.

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America's Top 10 Blood Fractions Export Countries, By 2021-25?


2021-1.3 billion dollars, 

2025-2.8 billion dollars.


2021-1.8 billion dollars,

2025-2.6 billion dollars.


2021-1.7 billion dollars, 

2025-2.6 billion dollars.


2021-2.1 billion dollars,

2025-1.9 billion dollars.


2021-1.3 billion dollars, 

2025-1.8 billion dollars.


2021-1.9 billion dollars,  

2025-1.7 billion dollars.


2021-3.2 billion dollars, 

2025-1.5 billion dollars.


2021-445.2 million dollars,

2025-1.4 billion dollars.


2021-686.6 million dollars, 

2025-966.9 million dollars.


2021-442.4 million dollars, 

2025-872.9 million dollars.

Important conclusion:

America's Top three countries for export of blood fractions are Canada, Japan and China. Canada shows the largest absolute difference between prospects and exports in value terms, leaving room to earn additional exports.

Blood Fractions Top 10 Exporting Countries, By 2021-25.


2021-27.0 billion dollars, 

2025-55.5 billion dollars.


2021-26.6 billion dollars,

2025-40.2 billion dollars.


2021-24.1 billion dollars, 

2025-36.1 billion dollars.

United States of America:

2021-26.0 billion dollars,

2025-28.2 billion dollars.


2021-14.9 billion dollars, 

2025-20.2 billion dollars.


2021-8.2 billion dollars,  

2025-11.2 billion dollars.


2021-6.3 billion dollars, 

2025-10.7 billion dollars.

United Kingdom:

2021-6.2 billion dollars,

2025-10.6 billion dollars.


2021-5.7 billion dollars, 

2025-8.8 billion dollars.


2021-3.8 billion dollars, 

2025-5.8 billion dollars.

Important conclusion:

The suppliers with greatest potential to export blood, blood fractions & immunological products to the World are Ireland, Germany and Switzerland. Ireland shows the largest absolute difference between prospects and exports in value terms, leaving room to earn additional exports.

Reply your desired products six digit HS code and know your products Future Export Vision.

Note: All the values are in an US dollar. Prices may vary as per the market demand and dollar value fluctuation. 2021's average export value can be equivalent to or lower than export values recorded in other trade databases. The average value is the essence of the reliable reports of the last five years. Four digit HS code was used for the above insight.


'Professionals work. Experts create results. Authorities predict the future. DECIDE which one you are going to follow'

Research source:

1. World Trade Organization, Trade forecast.

2. World Bank WITS.

3. International Trade Centre.

Research access duration January 2021.

© 2021-25 Future Export Vision.

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