Why should US soybean exporters prefer no.8 Thailand instead of no. 4 Indonesia by 2021-25? Blog-60

'The best way to predict the future is to create it.'

By Dr. Lade Vedkumar.

For the first time, we are introducing an innovative concept for additional US soy export generation.

Is it possible to predict US soybean/soy oil future export figures? 

Can we forecast the US soybean/soy oil's export size of the growing/bearish market? 

Does that help you, if you know the future export size of your competing countries? 

Yes, we are masters in international trade forecast research super specialty segments...

We can scientifically predict the next five year's trade statistics.

Many high growth products have magnificent potential in developed, developing or undeveloped countries.

We need to redefine the marketing strategy.

There should be aggressive marketing of a specific product in a rapidly expanding market. 

In a neutral market simple marketing is going to work. 

Workshop key content:

Why should US soybean exporters prefer no.8 Thailand instead of no. 4 Indonesia by 2021-25?

How will US soybeans exports increase from $20.1 billion to $46.8 billion by 2021-25?

What will be the US soybeans top 40 export markets by 2021-25? 

Who will be the US soybean's three competing countries in the top export markets by 2021-25?

(individual Us export insight of 40 countries)

How will the biggest US soybeans importer market increase from $9.0 bn to $30.4 bn by 2021-25?

Who will be the world's three biggest soybeans exporting countries?

Why should US soy crude oil exporters prefer no.36 India instead of no.1 South Korea by 2021-25?

What will be the US soy crude oil top 5 export markets & competing countries by 2021-25?

Why should US soy oil exporters prefer no.6 Panama instead of no.2 Colombia by 2021-25?

What will be the US soy oil top 5 export markets & competing countries by 2021-25?

(Share this wisdom)

#US #soy #exports #soyoil 

Global exports of soybean will increase from $57.9 billion to $109.0 billion by 2021 to 2025.

The US market for soybean will increase from $20.1 billion to $46.8 billion by 2021-2025.

Presentation one:

Why should US soybean exporters prefer no.25 Turkey instead of no.15 Argentina by 2021-25?

1) The US export market for soybean in Argentina will decline from $223.9 million to $33.5 million by 2021 to 2025.

HS code 1201 soybeans.

Important note:

Best results can be found in the countries having larger value difference between 2021 export and prospects by 2025.

As per above note, the US will lose soy export space of -$200.4 million in Argentina by 2021-25.

Why will the US soy export market decrease in Argentina?

Is it important to understand the wisdom of the above question?

Yes of course, you must always have an eagle eye on competing suppliers in that particular market. Here, the destination market is Argentina.

US soybeans three competing nations in the Argentina market will be Brazil, Uruguay and Canada. Considering the criteria of larger difference between the 2021 exports and prospects by 2025.

This represents the average export values of below countries soybeans in Argentina.


2021: $122.7 million dollars,

2025: $1.7 billion dollars.


2021: $18.9 million dollars,

2025: $59.1 million dollars.


2021: $8.8 k dollars,

2025: $ 907.5 k dollars.


2021: $943.1 million dollars,

2025: $251.9 million dollars.

US and Paraguay soybeans exports will decline in Argentina by 2021-25.

2) The US soybeans exports will increase in Turkey from $91.2 million to $543.4 million by 2021-25.

US soybeans will create additional export space of +$452.2 million in Turkey.

Who will be US soy export market competitors in Turkey?

US soybeans three competing countries in the Turkey market will be Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina.

These are the average export values of the below country's soybeans in Turkey.


2021: $335.6 million dollars,

2025: $850.7 million dollars.


2021: $4.0 million dollars,

2025: $85.3 million dollars.


2021: $5.6 million dollars,

2025: $60.0 million dollars.


2021: $342.6 million dollars,

2025: $29.2 million dollars.

The Ukrainian soybeans export will decline in Turkey by 2021-25.

Argentina applies 4% of import duty for the US soybeans. Other hand Turkey offers 0% import duty for the US soybeans. 

Interesting Comparison:

Comparison of countries having larger value difference between 2021 export and prospects of 2025 Vs countries with smaller value difference between 2021-25.

Turkey +$452.2 mn Vs Argentina -$200.4 mn.

"Now consider the scenario where you are not familiar with the above insight. Even though you are efficiently marketing in Argentina and simply marketing in Turkey. You don't grow in both scenarios. If you have the complete insight. You can generate additional export revenue at a great pace"  

That's the 'Power of Knowledge'

US soybeans Top export Sub-Regions, By 2021-2025?

East Asia:

2021: $11.1 bn,

2025: $33.4 bn.

We have elaborated two. countries in the above country wise insight.

Yet the top countries contribute $46.8 bn of soybeans additional export demand by 2021-25.

Workshop will content such 40 countries valuable insights.

As I always say.

'The best prospects are hidden in the next five years statistic'

Exclusive conclusion

The United States of America's soybean export needs aggressive marketing in Turkey and other fast-growing markets. In saturated markets, simple marketing will work.

We can present an exclusive workshop preferably to the soyabeans manufacturers/exporters association or companies. 

The Post Covid era has drastically changed the demand and supply equation of most countries. It's absolutely surprising to see the creation of new demand.

"We are capable of presenting any products export insight as per your requirements"

Note: All the values are in an USA dollar. Prices may vary as per the market demand and dollar value fluctuation. 2021's average export value can be equivalent to or lower than export values recorded in other trade databases. The average value is the essence of the reliable reports of the last five years.



'Professionals work. Experts create results. Authorities predict the future. DECIDE which one you are going to follow'

Research source:

1. World Trade Organization, Trade forecast.

2. World Bank WITS.

3. International Trade Centre.

Research access duration:

1st edition January 2021.

2nd edition July 2021.

'Professionals work. Experts create results. Authorities predict the future. DECIDE which one you are going to follow'

© 2021-25 Future Export Vision.

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Presentation 2:

Why should the world's soya bean exporters prefer no.11 Turkey instead of no.5 Spain?

(Share this wisdom)

#soyabean #exports #world 

The world market for soya beans will increase from $57.9 billion to $109.0 billion by 2021to 2025.

1) The import market for soya beans in Turkey will grow from $600 million to $1.8 billion by 2021 to 2025.

Important note:

Best results can be found in the countries having larger value difference between 2021 export and prospects of 2025.

As per above note, Turkey will create additional soya beans import space of $1.2 billion.

Why will Turkey's soya beans import market increase?

Is it important to understand the wisdom of the above question?

Yes of course, you must always have an eagle eye on competing suppliers in that particular market. Here, the destination market is Turkey.

Three competing nations in the Turkey market will be Brazil, United States of America and Uruguay. Considering the criteria of larger difference between the 2021 exports and prospects by 2025.

This represents the average export values of below countries soya beans to Turkey.


2021: $335.6 million dollars,

2025: $850.7 million dollars.

United States of America:

2021: $91.2 million dollars,

2025: $543.4 million dollars.


2021: $4.0 million dollars,

2025: $85.3 million dollars.


2021: $342.6 million dollars,

2025: $29.2 million dollars.

Ukraine's soya beans exports will decline in Turkey by 2021-25.

2) Spain's soya beans import market will increase from $1.3 billion to $1.9 billion by 2021-25.

Spain will create additional soya beans import space of $600 million.

Who will be Spain's soya beans import market competitors?

Three competing countries in Spain's soya beans import market will be the United States of America, Brazil and Argentina. 

These are average export values of below countries to Spain's by 2021-2025.

United States of America: 

2021: $435.8 million dollars,

2025: $715.8 million dollars.


2021: $727.0 million dollars,

2025: $924.1 million dollars.


2021: $5.3 million dollars,

2025: $102.2 million dollars.


2021: $62.4 million dollars,

2025: $51.5 million dollars.

The Paraguay export of soya beans will decline in Spain by 2021-25.

Interesting Comparison:

Comparison of countries having larger value difference between 2021 export and prospects of 2025 Vs countries with smaller value difference between 2021-25.

Turkey +1.2 bn Vs Spain 600 mn (relatively saturated market in the next 5 years)

"Now consider the scenario where you are not familiar with the above insight. Even though you are efficiently marketing in Spain and simply marketing in Turkey. You don't grow in both scenarios. If you have the complete insight. You can generate additional export revenue at a great pace"  

That's the 'Power of Knowledge'

Soya beans Top Importing Sub-Regions, By 2021-2025?

East Asia:

2021: $38.2 bn,

2025: $77.4 bn.

Exclusive conclusion

Soya beans export market needs aggressive marketing in Turkey and other fast-growing markets. In saturated markets, simple marketing will work.

We have elaborated two countries in the above valuable content.

We can offer an exclusive workshop to the Soya beans association. 

What's in it for me in the report/workshop?

1) What will be the most amazing countries contributing $57.9 bn enormous soya beans import demand?

Why will the biggest soya beans  importer market enormously increase from $35.1 bn to $73.0 bn by 2021-25?

Why should soya beans exporters favour Argentina over Japan?

Why should soya beans exporters prefer Mexico instead of the Netherlands?

What will be your country specific soya beans top export markets by 2021-25?

The Post Covid era has drastically changed the demand and supply equation of most countries. It's absolutely surprising to see the creation of new demand.

2) Why should colza seeds exporters prefer no.2 China instead of no.1 Germany?


Why will the futures biggest colza seeds importing market increase from $1.6 bn to $3.4 bn?

What will be the top countries contributing $14.5 billion of decent colza seeds import demand by 2021-25?

3) Why should Sunflower seeds exporters prefer no.3 Russia instead of no.2 Netherlands?


Why will the biggest Sunflower seeds importing market increase from $364.9 mn to $699.0 mn ?

What will be the top countries contributing $6.3 billion of large Sunflower seeds import demand by 2021-25?

4) Why should Sesamum seeds exporters prefer no.3 Turkey instead of no.2 Japan?


Why will the biggest Sesamum seeds importing market increase from $1.0 bn to $2.1 bn?

What will be the top countries contributing $5.3 billion of Sesamum seeds import demand by 2021-25?

We can present a workshop preferably to soya beans associations or companies.

Note: All the values are in an USA dollar. Prices may vary as per the market demand and dollar value fluctuation. 2021's average export value can be equivalent to or lower than export values recorded in other trade databases. The average value is the essence of the reliable reports of the last five years. Six digit HS code was used for the above insight as it is standard protocol HS code.



'Professionals work. Experts create results. Authorities predict the future. DECIDE which one you are going to follow'

Research source:

1. World Trade Organization, Trade forecast.

2. World Bank WITS.

3. International Trade Centre.

Research access duration June 2021.

© 2021-25 Future Export Vision.


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